Giving Thanks
Have you ever been aware of that energy that not only emanates from you, but into you and through you? Since this summer people have actually told me (and I’m almost embarrassed to admit this) that I am glowing. I suppose the color of happiness becomes me.
As one year comes to a close and another is about to begin, there are so many reasons to shine! I’ve been cast in a new play, we’ll be filming a new series, and my short film will be released. In this holiday season it’s no wonder that the strongest feeling in my heart is gratitude!
I am grateful for every person that has crossed my path, every word of encouragement and every experience that has served to make me a better person. I am honored to have a loving partner, a supportive family and loyal friends. I am privileged to live this beautiful life that God has granted me (to the point that I could just sit here and cry…but I’m trying not to).
That light – this energy – also connects me to you my readers, wherever you may be, and I am thankful for you. Thank you for reading, thank you for being, y gracias por su apoyo (thank you for your support).
May the holidays make your light shine brighter, and serve as a reminder for all that you are able to give thanks. Merry Christmas and Cheers to a prosperous 2015!
Shine on.
“When you’re making art, you’re connecting with people maybe on the other side of the globe…I [am] really grateful for that and [feel] really, really lucky.” – Michael Cahill, Dir.
— Posted on December 22, 2014 at 11:30 am
Lisann Valentin is an author of creative non-fiction, fantasy fiction, and children’s books.
Get the latest on recent acting news and new book releases HERE.
Kellee Bolden
December 22, 2014 at 7:29 pm
Lisann, congratulations on realizing your dreams. I wish you and yours a Happy Holiday season and best wishes for you in 2015.
January 3, 2015 at 2:33 am
Thank you Kelee for your support! Happy Holidays to you and yours as well!